Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New You!

In with the new – out with the old!

What is the significance of a new year?  I guess that question is pretty pointless…it’s like asking, *What is the meaning of time?*  It’s all relevant really and means what it means personally to each of us.   We’ve come to learn the significance of the changing of a year from some long ago archaic calendar that told us this is such-n-such date and with the ticking of this clock, the dropping of a glittery ball, a kiss, a joyous celebration that people from every corner of the world will welcome in a New Year!  It is the chance to start again.  To leave behind what wasn’t pleasant and try again with the next 365 days awaiting us all in an effort to “make it better”? 

But why do we wait for that date?  For that time to make a change?  What is the poignancy of it?  Is it just because that’s what we’ve always done?  Or maybe we need the push of all those other minds to help us along our newly chosen path?  Are we just so programmed to a time schedule that we need the significance of that clock ticking over to 12:01 – 2014, 2015, 20…. To force us into being better people?  Thinner, healthier, more mindful, more career driven, stop smoking, more giving, less angry, less snarky, more open minded, more productive, a cleaner house, more books read, another pet, more schooling, finish those UFO’s , this is the year that I’ll apologize to and move on with my life, I resolve to be…..perfect in every way! 

Wow….we certainly put a lot of pressure on ourselves to perform.  All with the ticking of a clock. 
I’ve had a few moments in my life over the past 4 or 5 years that have pointed me in a direction where I feel I need to be more compassionate.  I want to be that person.  I think by nature I already have most of what it takes to be a compassionate person.  With age and maturity I am learning to recognize when I am not and to be mindful of it so I can stop myself (most times) from being non-compassionate.  It is a goal for sure.  And maybe in this lifetime I’ll learn to be that person I  
strive to be.

I didn’t wait for 12:01 on the clock to start being more aware of my compassion.  I just started right that moment when I felt I needed to do it.  I don’t even really know when that was.  I guess it was at the right time, though. 

I’m hoping I can just learn to do other things in my life when the time is right.  So, this year I am going to resolve to not resolve to put any pressure on myself to perform.  I’m not going to berate myself for being overweight, or not as active as I should be, or my studio messier than I’d like it to be.  I’m not going to assume that I’ll do things better, or try to be more of this and less of that.  I’m not going to stress myself out with a set number of beaded items to design within a set number of days. 

I’m just going to live my life.  If on January 1st at 12:01 am, 2014 I decide to join a gym, so be it.  But I’m not going to force myself into it.  I’m going to practice my need to be a more compassionate person on myself and I’m going to give me a break, give me time, give me no pressure to perform.  Maybe if I don’t feel pressured I’ll actually get those dreams and wishes accomplished or at least start them on their way to becoming reality.

Wanna join me in resolving to not resolve?  To not pressure yourself into being thinner, cleaner, nicer, healthier, whatever it is you’re setting a stop watch for?  How about we just start treating ourselves with the respect we deserve the moment we think about it, rather than at 12:01am! 


 Every single day of our lives is an opportunity to make a change in ourselves.  We should learn to do it right at that very moment and not put it off waiting for some glittery ball to drop!  


  1. Beki, I love to read your words. Your truth is so evident and your compaasion shines. I don't know you well, but your honesty is refreshing! I hope your new resolve brings you happiness every day you wake up. It is truely the best way to live our lives. Happy new day to you everyday for years to come....

  2. Beki, I love to read your words. Your truth is so evident and your compaasion shines. I don't know you well, but your honesty is refreshing! I hope your new resolve brings you happiness every day you wake up. It is truely the best way to live our lives. Happy new day to you everyday for years to come....
