Saturday, May 26, 2007

Well, I guess I should get started some time posting to this blog.

I've really started it to help me keep track of all of my ideas, projects, creations and the bits of regular life that get in the way of those things!

The list of "to-do" projects on my plate right now is pretty out of hand.I am in the midst of creating a Beaded Art Quilt (ala Thom Atkins for my Beading For A Cure project. ( I'll take some images soon....

I just finished 3 projects, with at least two of them on their way to being submitted for magazine articles.
This little PMC Leaf Goddess was designed around the Swarovski Rivoli. Since you cannot fire Swarovski products in place (they can't withstand the heat required to sinter the Fine Silver) and I can't seem to create much without using Swarovski...I needed to improvise. Her hands were designed to "set" the Swarovski Rivoli into, and then I glued flatbacks onto her for some added embellishment.
I think it took me about 4 or 5 tries before I had the size and shape of the design just right to hold the stone in place.

So now I have some instructions to write up...and a bunch more images to take. As soon as I can get the hubby to help me, I'll share the other two projects I just recently completed.

I have also joined Robin Atkin's Bead Journal Project! I'm super excited about this! While my schedule is stupid busy....I need to remember to make time in my life for ME.

As a business owner, a Mom of 4, and a wife, I tend to let myself get spread pretty thin. But I've witnessed how much more I can accomplish in my day to day life if I just set aside a short amount of time for me....for my soul...for my creative muse....whatever it is, just so long as it makes me happy.

OK...speaking of that...I need to get to work! The Bead & Button show is just around the corner and we are still tubing, pricing, bagging, tagging like maniacs!

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